A healthy 2022
Want some good health goal ideas?
Here is a health goal list you can select from –
- Move more, sit less. This applies mostly to office workers, drivers and other people whose jobs require sitting down for long stretches of time
- Eat healthy, avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks
- Get enough sleep based on your age
- Exercise regularly and stay physically active. It could be dancing or even walking
- Spend more time outdoors, get fresh air, meet people
- Spend less time on screens (television, computers, tablets and phones)
- Stop smoking and alcohol intake
- Stay positive and avoid negative thoughts
- Go on a vacation no matter how short
- Avoid self-medication
- Go for regular medical check ups
- Reduce stress, meditate more
How do you achieve these health goals?
It is easier to set goals than to achieve them but with determination, the right attitude, and a practical plan, you can turn these goals into habits.
- Make your goals realistic. Want to quit smoking? Don’t set your goal to quit completely before the 1st of February. You can go from taking 10 sticks a day to 7, then 4, 2 and 0. Unrealistic goals will make the goal attainment daunting and you will become frustrated and discouraged. Start with something you can achieve easily. If you spend every free time on your phone, begin to spend some of that free time on books, with friends/colleagues/neighbors – physically. That way, you can create the habit and stick to it more easily.
- Break the goals down into smaller bits. For instance if you want to start eating more healthy foods, start by replacing junk foods with healthy foods in your fridge. Then start cooking at home more often. If you try to go for the big goal at once, you may lose the zeal and focus. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
- Reward yourself when you scale through each milestone.This will boost your courage and enthusiasm.
- Set specific, measurable and time-bound goals. For instance, “I will exercise 20 minutes on Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays of every week for the first 6 months”. If you are not intentional about it, you will easily lose focus and apathy will set in.
- Write down your goals. This will make it feel more real and achievable. In addition, writing it down will help you keep track and measure your progress.
- Share your goals with others. Share with a friend or family or join a group of like-minded people that want the same goals as you so as they can hold you accountable.
- Use apps to keep track of your progress. Apps like GoalsOnTrack and Habit List are great.
- Don’t lose sight of your purpose. It is easy to forget why you want to eat healthy or meditate more. If the purpose is to live a healthy life, lose weight, have better control of your life, etc., keep that in view always.
- Be prepared to handle any obstacle that could get in the way. Never assume that it will be a smooth ride because you have it all planned out. Life happens. Sometimes, internal and external challenges will get in the way. Prepare your mind to tackle them as they come rather than give in.
Setting good health goals is good and easy, but achieving set goals is even more important. One good thing is the fact that if you can commit to these goals, before long they will become habits. All you need is consistency and a strong belief in your ability to achieve the set goals.
You can have a discussion with our pharmacists about the most suitable health goals for you based on your health history. Visit us today for a chat, our doors are always open to you.